AATD Computer Upgrade Instructions

Step by step instructions on how to install a computer upgrade for a Redbird AATD model system.

These instructions require a basic familiarity with hand tools.


  1. Un-pack the new computer & extras:
    • New Computer
    • Power Cable
    • Monitor Cable Adapters 
    • All-in-one USB Keyboard
    • *10-Port Powered USB Hub
    • *15ft. USB 3.0 Cable
    • *Switch Panel Board & *Circuit Breaker Upgrade Kit
    • *Twin Throttle Board
    • *Navigator Router kit
    • *USB to NIC Adapter(s)

      *if applicable

  2. Open CPU case, remove any packing foam and check hardware connections.
    • Please be very careful when removing any packing foam.
    • Check power-supply cables at both ends for loose connections.
    • Press down firmly on memory and video cards to be sure they are well seated.
    • Check data/power connections to the hard drive; be sure they are firmly seated.

  3. Hook up CPU according to diagram on top of case.
    • Follow the diagram on top of the case when plugging cables into the new computer.
    • Contact Redbird Support for clarification if unsure where a cable goes on the new CPU.

  4. Install *Switch Panel Board & *Circuit Breakers if applicable.
  5. Install the 10-Port Powered USB Hub & 15ft. USB 3.0 Cable.
    • Swap out the existing USB Hub & CPU Uplink USB 2.0 cable inside the cabin for the new 10-port powered USB hub & 15ft USB 3.0 cable.
      : The existing 2.0 Hub should be mounted inside the system, close to the Switch Panel board from the above step/instructions. 
    • Some of the new USB 3.0 hubs have push-buttons to turn off/on each individual port on the hub. Ensure that all ports (or at least all ports with devices present) have the push-buttons turned on. 
    • Cut the zip-ties securing the cable-bundle coming out of the bottom of the system so that you can adjust or remove the following cables:
      • Remove CPU Uplink USB 2.0 cable (between old/existing USB hub & the back of the computer); replace with the new 15ft USB 3.0 cable (route between the new hub & the back of the computer)
      • Overlay USB cable should be moved/adjusted to plug into the new USB 3.0 hub (if plugged directly into the back of the computer).
      • Recommended: remove Yoke A 15ft USB 2.0 active-extension cable (If present/ plugged in to the back of the computer), and either use the Yoke B USB cable to connect your yoke, or re-route the small black 4/5ft Yoke A USB cable (connects the active-extension to the yoke) to the new USB 3.0 hub. 
    • Call Redbird Support for guidance.

      Redbird Support - (512) 301-0718

  6. Align and configure your monitors with the new computer.
  7. *Install Twin Throttle Board if applicable.
    • Some units (depending on serial number) may not have to upgrade their Twin Throttle for compatibility with Windows 7 or Windows 10; users should only swap out the board if their twin throttle quadrant is inoperative after the upgrade.
    • See: TE Throttle Board Swap for instructions.
  8. Connect your system to the internet, and contact Redbird Support to finish setting up your computer upgrade
    • Call Redbird Support at the number below during Redbird office-hours so that we can remote in to your system and finish up the configuration and test the new computer. 

      Redbird Support - (512) 301-0718

  9. Return old/unused hardware to Redbird using the provided return labels.
    • Ensure that all systems have been tested and are operational prior to shipping any old/unused hardware back.
    • Please Include: Old computer, power cable, twin throttle board, switch panel board, and any other unused hardware.

Please Contact Redbird Support if you encounter any issues during your upgrade.